Exfoliation for complete radiance

Exfoliation is not an option, it is an essential step in a beauty ritual. The benefits of regular exfoliation are many: smoother, brighter skin, improved elasticity and a strengthening of the skin barrier. Here’s why and how you should incorporate exfoliation into your skin care routine right now. Why exfoliate? As we age, cell turnover […]

The Flowers of Beauty

Stars of the garden, but also in our cosmetic formulations, flowers are ingredients of choice in cosmetics, and with good reason, because their virtues are numerous. As many species as there are possibilities for the skin There are currently some 250,000 species of flowers on the planet, representing more skin options than we know. Several […]

Neck Care 101

We can make up our face, dye our hair, camouflage a few wrinkles with injectable or high-tech products, but as for the neck, cheating without surgery seems more difficult.   Why and How the Neck Ages Faster   Getting older is a privilege. However, with the passage of time comes loss of collagen, flaccidity, wrinkles […]

Understanding Sensitive Skin

It’s no secret that a lot of women have sensitive skin. As a matter of fact, seven out of ten women report having issues with sensitive skin. At any point in our lives, our skin can be sensitized by many factors.

Skin overnight

During the night, as we think everything comes to a stop… It’s just the opposite!